Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SSRS - Method to retrieve last run report parameters

I was going through MSBI discussion posts in Linkedin and saw a discussion regarding methods to save SSRS report parameters. Below is an efficient way of retrieving the report parameters and reuse them for subsequent executions
When a report is run in report manager , its parameter values will get stored in ExecutionLogStorage table of ReportServer database . This database contains lot of other tables having useful information like  report  deployed to report server ,dataset used ,data sources , execution logs , parameters used , subscriptions , users etc.,
Catalog table will have report name , reportID , report path ,Content (this column has the xml code for the rdl file)
Each time a report is accessed using report manager , the log information about the report will be stored in ExecutionLogStorage table. This table stores the ReportID, UserName (User who accessed this report), parameters , timestart ,timeend , rowcount and other additional information
To get the last run report parameters for a particular report , ExecutionLogStorage have to be queried to get the latest record for the particular report for particular user
Consider Store_Contacts_2008R2  report from AdventureWorks sample report for this example
The report is having Store as a parameter which is set to default as 'Advanced Bike Components '
Each time the report is accessed , the default parameter will be passed to the database to retrieve the records
In our case , the default value have to be the last executed report parameter value
Below query will always give the last passed parameter for Store_Contacts_2008R2 report
USE ReportServer
SELECT  c.Name
, els.ReportID, els.TimeEnd
, CAST(els.Parameters AS varchar(MAX)) AS Parameters
FROM   ExecutionLogStorage AS els
INNER JOIN [Catalog] AS c ON c.ItemID = els.ReportID
WHERE  c.Name = 'Store_Contacts_2008R2'

Note: Your ReportServer DB will vary based on the report server instance , for default report server instance the corresponding database is ReportServer

Now , parameter in the above result set have to be passed to the default values for @StoreID  and @Showall parameter in Store_Contacts_2008R2 report
Create a dataset StoresHistory to get the StoreID parameter value for previous execution
Query for StoresHistory dataset :
SELECT        S.BusinessEntityID, S.Name
FROM            AdventureWorks2008R2.Sales.Store AS S
(SELECT        TOP (1) StoreID AS BusinessEntityID
FROM            (
SELECT  c.Name
, els.ReportID, els.TimeEnd
, StoreID = replace(left(CAST(els.Parameters AS varchar(MAX)),charindex('ShowAll',Parameters)-2),'StoreID=','')
FROM   ReportServer.dbo.ExecutionLogStorage AS els
INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS c ON c.ItemID = els.ReportID
WHERE  c.Name = 'Store_Contacts_2008R2'
 order by TimeEnd desc
)Q ON S.BusinessEntityID = Q.BusinessEntityID
In Parameters section,Change the default value for @StoreID parameter to use StoresHistory dataset
Deploy the report to report manager
One another thing to note before deploying to report manager is that the parameter value passed to the report when previewing in visual studio won't be logged in ReportServer database as the report execution is not from ReportServer
So don't wonder why the default value for the Store parameter in report preview in Visual studio is not reflecting the last report execution value
Try accessing the report in report server , and pass a different parameter value other than the default value
Run the query in StoresHistory dataset , the last used report parameter will be displayed for Store
When the report is accessed next time , this value will be passed as default value for the Store_Contacts_2008R2 report
If the report is having multiple parameters , it is necessary to create a history dataset for each parameter
For multiple business user per prompt report , pass the username (from ExecutionLog table) as a parameter to the history dataset to get the parameter for respective user